CSR Job Seekers

Please provide some information about yourself and any specific needs or questions you may have and someone from our office will contact you.

By completing the questionnaire below you will be considered for a Customer Service Representative position within our company. This job is located at the AIMM company headquarters which is near N. High Street and I-270 in Columbus Ohio. We do NOT offer telecommuting and/or work from home positions. All work is performed at the AIMM office. We do NOT provide any relocation assistance.

Upon completion of the questions below you will receive an immediate response informing you of the outcome of your submission. You will either be advanced to the interview stage, or your submission will be rejected due to not meeting the minimum requirements of the available position(s). All questions must be answered to complete the submission process.


Sales & Marketing
(877) 254-5029

If you need to speak with an AIMM Nurse, please call the toll-free number on the back of your insurance card.